Monday, October 27, 2014

Happy Monday Everyone!

Hey guys! I hope you all had an awesome weekend. I just wanted to share what I learned in Seminary today that I think is really important. So we were discussing our next Scripture Mastery. For those of you who don't know what Scripture Mastery is it's just specific scriptures found in the Bible or the Book of Mormon that we try to memorize so that if we are ever struggling in life we can think back on a scripture mastery that uplifts us and makes us feel better. The Scripture Mastery verses are chosen by the Prophet and his apostles. It's super awesome. Anyway so we were talking about D&C 18:10-11 which says "Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God; For, behold, the Lord your Redeemer suffered death in the flesh; wherefore he suffered the pain of all men, that all men might repent and come unto him." This scripture is spectacular and I love it. There are many different lessons you could get from this scripture, but I think the most important lesson is that God loves us. Jesus Christ is our Savior and KNOWS us and LOVES us. He wants us to be safe. Our Heavenly Father loves us too. They both watch over us and protect us everyday. In Seminary we try to look for little mercy moments in our everyday lives. I challenge everyone to look for little mercy moments in your lives. You can find so many. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true. One night I prayed to know if everything I had learned in my life about the gospel was true and I got this amazing feeling. All I can remember is just knowing that there is a Heavenly Father up in Heaven who is watching us and a Savior, even Jesus Christ, who suffered for all of us so that we could repents of our sins. Please don't ever think it's too late to repent. It's never too late. I really want people to know that there is a God up in Heaven that loves us and cares about us. Ever since I've made this blog more viral I've thought a lot about what I want to say to people who are reading this blog. I just want to say NEVER GIVE UP! YOU CAN DO IT! Life is so hard. It is. I mean I have school, church, family, and friend responsibilities. I know that there are those of you out there who are dealing with parents getting divorced, siblings leaving the church, loved ones going on missions, loved ones dying, losing your job, loved ones committing suicide, and loved ones abused. The list could go on and on. I just want to tell you DON'T GIVE UP! PLEASE DON'T! You are so strong. You can make it. If you need to talk to someone talk to a friend, counselor, sibling, children, etc. But always remember that your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, be there for YOU. Never think that he will ever leave you because he won't. He is ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU! Pray to him and he will help you. The answer may not always come immediately, but you WILL be helped. I promise you. Just remember God LOVES you. He wants to bless you. If you are trying so hard keep trying. Just keep climbing. KEEP THE FAITH! NEVER GIVE UP! Life is so worth it. Be nice to everyone you meet. I know if we do these things we can be blessed and be happier which is exactly what Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ want. I hope you guys have a FANTASTIC week. And don't forget to look for those little Mercy Moments! :)

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Positive Attitude

Hey guys! So I just think we should make today a great day. I know that it's already 1:00, but we can change our day around no matter what. As Thanksgiving is getting closer I think we should think about the things that we are grateful. I'm so grateful for my amazing family. We are all going to be together again at Christmastime and I can't wait. I have such amazing parents that help me out everyday. I have the best siblings ever. We always have so much fun together. I have so many great friends. We sometimes just sit and talk and get to know each other better. I'm so grateful for good friends. There are so many other things that I'm grateful for, but it's not about me. Think of some things that you are grateful for today and it will change your attitude. I hope everyone has an awesome day. Don't let anything get you down.

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Friday, October 24, 2014

Putting our Mortal Lives into Real Perspective

Hey. So today I was just watching TV after school and just kind of relaxing after a long week of school. My dad came home and we talked a little bit about our lives. My dad was telling me how it's not the mortal consequences that matter, but the eternal consequences that matter. It really made me evaluate my life and to focus on the more important things. I mean I think I watched about 4 or 5 hours of TV today when I could have been studying for the ACT which is tomorrow or mowing the lawn which I now have to do tomorrow after I'm exhausted from the ACT. I think we all need to evaluate our lives and to see maybe where we could work better in some areas. Nobody's Perfect. I don't expect everyone to completely change their lives. It's just that the Gospel of Jesus Christ makes me happy. Life is good. Sometimes it can be hard, but with Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, my Family and my Friends I can do hard things. We all can do hard things. We should never give up because life is too hard. We were meant to be down on this earth so that we could face challenges and overcome them and become more like our Heavenly Father. So please don't give up. You can do it. Life is short and we need to realize that Keeping the Commandments is the right thing to do. It will lead us to happiness. Let's just try to evaluate our lives a little bit. Who's up for the challenge? We can do it. :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Everybody Needs Inspiration.................

Hey so one day I was just looking around on Google with inspirational quotes. Sometimes I think it's really fun to read them. If I am having a bad day I know that I can look at some inspirational quotes to get me through my day. Also scripture reading and praying will also get you through the day. I don't know what I would do without my scriptures. I had Seminary in 1st period today and it was seriously so awesome. I was so tired, but the Holy Ghost kept me awake. We talked about the Restoration of the Gospel. For those of you who don't know the Restoration is the bringing back of the only true and living church on the earth the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We believe that a man named Joseph Smith was given inspiration from God to restore the church back on the earth. Anyway go to for more information. You will find all the answers to your questions on that website. It's a great website. Anyway back to inspirational quotes. They are so good and I have to post a few that are my favorite. Read them and be inspired!!!!! We all can get through our trials with Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father.

I love this quote so much. It is truly awesome.

Another super awesome quote. God does see why we do it. He sees the good in us when others don't always.

So true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This one I think applies to ALL high school kids. Just because we aren't popular doesn't make us special. God loves us and we are special to him. Don't ever forget that.

This quote is so true. We are given specific trials in our lives because Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ know we can overcome them. WE ARE STRONG!


This one is awesome. I have so much respect for Corrie Ten Boom.

Here are some other awesome quotes:

Can anyone guess where this quote is from?

Well hope you enjoyed these quotes and hopefully one of them changed your day. Everyone have an awesome day and never give up. Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father are there for us. Don't give up the Faith. Keep fighting. I know we can do it. Have an awesome day!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Sometimes It's Hard to Stay Positive During the School Year............Tips for the Teenage Soul.

Hey guys! So school started this week for me and yes most of the week was really fun, but now it's back to going to bed early and doing homework for 4+ hours. Sometimes it's really hard to stay positive during the school year. That's why I am going to give you guys some tips to help you out for this next school year. First thing that I like to do is listen to music to help me stay positive. Music can relax you if you are feeling stressed out. Just choose a nice calm song that you can listen to to calm down your nerves. Also another thing that I like to do is meditate. Now I know that sounds weird, but sometimes it works when you are stressed out during the year. If you have a big test coming up try to meditate. By meditating your body will relax and you can study better and keep better focus. Also get to bed on time. I know you want to stay up to watch that new episode of "Parks and Rec," but you need your sleep. Plus most TV's today can record TV Shows. That's how I watched one of my favorite shows "Psych." I would record it and then go to bed and watch it the next day when I got home from school. That way you get to bed on time and can still watch it later. Okay those are the only tips I have because this blog is supposed to be fun and this post is boring. So if any of you have any suggestions for what you can do to make your school year better just comment on this post. Well hope everyone has an awesome day. Bye!

Friday, August 15, 2014

I Can't Wait to Serve a Mission!

Hey guys! So last night after I wrote on the blog I hiked the "Y" with a couple of my friends. It was so much fun. We had a party! Anyway so we are walking up the trail and I look back and see this guy aways behind us and I'm like "guys we need to walk faster, someone is going to catch up with us" just to be funny. So then later this guy passed us as we stopped. So we were like whatever and made it to the Y. Then we see the guy up there and we just start a conversation with him. We figure out he's a college student going to UVU. Next, we meet his friend who is about the same age. I just have this full out conversation with them and while we were talking I had this feeling to tell them about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I didn't know exactly when to bring it up and eventually we started talking about it. One of the guys got baptized a few years ago and another one is going to church every week, but hasn't been baptized yet. I had a great love for these two guys that I had just barely met. I just wanted them to know how happy the Gospel of Jesus Christ makes me. We talked about the spirit and I said how amazing that feeling is when you have it. They agreed. I wish I could have said more. Now I  just hope that things go well for them and that they keep going to church. This experience made me think a lot about my mission that I could be going on next year. I can't wait to go out on mission and teach others about the gospel of Jesus Christ and help them to be happy! I will never forget talking to those guys! What a great experience! We can all be missionaries even in our own cities. Hope everyone has a great day! :)

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Our Live are very Fragile

Hey guys! Sorry it's yet again been a long time since I have written on the blog. I just got distracted with Summer and not having to worry about school. Anyway I wanted to talk today about our lives. Our souls. I like the word souls. Or spirits is a good one too. We all have spirits. Our lives are very fragile. If you didn't already hear a few days ago Robin Williams died. He actually committed suicide. It is so sad. He was such a great actor and man. He did good things and entertained us at the same time. On Facebook one of my friends had a post that talked about how we all thought Robin Williams was the happiest guy in the entire world and how we would never think that he would commit suicide. But he did. My friend cautioned everyone to be nice to every person we speak to because they may be acting happy on the outside, but may be super depressed on the inside. I fully agree with that. So let me repeat again our lives are very fragile. I mean imagine if someone you weren't very fond of died. How would you feel? You might blame yourself for their death. Then another person is sad. There are so many people out their in the world and we all have problems. I like to use the word challenges. We all have challenges in this life. We are supposed to have challenges in this life. Without challenges we wouldn't learn anything. We need to grow and learn everything that we can while we are alive. We need to be nicer to people. We can't put people down. I know that there are those people who are just so mean and won't ever apologize. Don't worry about them. Just be nice to them. You don't know what struggles they are going through in life right now. I know that if we are nicer to people, that the world can be a happier place and we can all be united. Even just a smile can make someone's day. There's a song that I love. It's called "Need a Little Love." In the chorus it says "Love, it's always worth it. Love, everyone deserves it. It's the friend that holds your hand when nobody understands. Love, it wants to heal you. Love, can see the real you, but you have to open up when you need a little love." I love that so much. We all have to be open to giving and feeling love. Love is what makes the world a better place. So please you guys be nice to everyone and always include others. We can change the world! Everyone have an awesome Thursday night. I'm about to hike the "Y." Wahoo!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Happy April Everyone!

Hey guys sorry again for not posting for the longest time. I have just gotten so busy in school and church work that I haven't had any time to write on the blog. I'll try better! Anyway I just again want to say how much I love the gospel of Jesus Christ and how amazing it is. I am 17 now and it's crazy that in just one year I could be serving a mission! I am so excited! I have started reading "Preach My Gospel" and for those of you who don't know what that is it's a manual that missionaries use a lot throughout their mission to make it a success. It helps you to know the gospel better and to help your testimony grow. Anyway I love the gospel of Jesus Christ with all my heart, mind, and strength. I love reading the scriptures and praying to my Heavenly Father. I have been blessed so much this week and year with so many things. I could have a huge list of things that my Heavenly Father has blessed me with. That is the point of this blog. So many people out there have blogs and just talk about life. I want to share the gospel with the world meaning that I want to share my happiness with the world. I know that they only way one can be happy in life is when they are living the gospel of Jesus Christ. I truly am happy. Yes I have my hard days where I am just sick of life, but the gospel is always there and never changes. Celebrities change and so does the world around us, but the gospel of Jesus Christ NEVER changes. I love it so much. I know that there is a God out there and he loves everyone even the craziest of people. He's God he is the greatest person in the universe. I know that Jesus Christ loves everyone in the world too. He is our Savior and our Redeemer. He died so that we could all repent of all of the bad decisions that we have made in life. That is pretty awesome. A lot of people think the gospel is so confusing and difficult, but it's not. It's simple. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ made the gospel simple for US because they LOVE us. I love them and am so grateful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I know it. I live it. I love it.