Sunday, August 18, 2013

Hello Again?

Hi everyone!!!! Sorry it's been like a month since I've posted. I have been really busy, but I am committed to keep going on this blog. The whole point of the blog is for me to share my wonderful experiences that I have in my life everyday. I can't stop now. There are so many awesome experiences that I have had and that I will have. I HAVE to share them. Anyway so it's been a busy month and a half. That's why I haven't posted in a long time. But school is starting soon and I am getting all organized and everything so the blog will be a big priority, at least on Sunday's. Okay so today I had an amazing time at church. I truly felt the spirit speaking to me in Priesthood. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is so amazing and I am so happy to be apart of it. Anyway so this awesome kid in my quorum was sharing a very special experience. It was so great and the spirit was like a fire burning inside me. It was a fantastic experience. So in my extended family there is some trouble. I don't want to get into what it is exactly because it's a personal family problem.I just have been thinking about it for a long time and it is a sad situation. I just want everyone who is reading this blog everyday to know how hard life can be. I know from experience life can be so hard. I mean school and family and friends and pressure from adults to be "perfect." It's such a tough life even if you aren't a teenager like me. Like in my family the person who is dealing with the family situation is way older than me. He is a great person and has been so strong through the whole thing. Let's all just admit it. Life is tough. But if we stay strong (like my family member) we can do anything and still be happy no matter what happens. The gospel keeps me happy everyday. My cousin is crazy and she is a big issue in this family situation. If I could say anything to her I would say "Are you happier now than you were before?" I'm pretty sure she would say she is, but on the inside she would think differently because the Gospel of Jesus Christ makes us all happier. I know it does. I am so happy right now because I could feel God's love for me so strongly today in Priesthood. I really needed that to happen. I'm really stressed with Summer homework and school is starting really soon. I am freaking out. But I know it will all get done and I will feel better after school starts. Heavenly Father will help me. I know it. Everyone just keep moving forward (Like Walt Disney said in "Meet the Robinson's") and just have hope. Things will be okay if you stay strong in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know it. Until next post see you all later!!!!

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